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Consumer Products & Medical Devices

We help people recover their losses from injury due to defective devices & faulty consumer products.


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One Contact Solution – Mass Tort Services


At One Contact Solution, Our mass tort Team helps victims receive financial compensation for any harms incurred due to the negligence of a company and its dangerous products. Despite clear evidence of severe side effects or other unintended injuries, some products continue to be sold by manufacturers insisting that they are safe for regular use.


At One Contact Solution, Our mass tort Team helps victims receive financial compensation for any harms incurred due to the negligence of a company and its dangerous products. Despite clear evidence of severe side effects or other unintended injuries, some products continue to be sold by manufacturers insisting that they are safe for regular use.


At One Contact Solution, Our mass tort Team helps victims receive financial compensation for any harms incurred due to the negligence of a company and its dangerous products. Despite clear evidence of severe side effects or other unintended injuries, some products continue to be sold by manufacturers insisting that they are safe for regular use.


How Our Mass Tort Litigation Lawyers Can Help You

At One Contact Solution, we are committed to using our experience in mass tort law to secure a settlement or verdict on your behalf. We only specialize in mass tort cases, so we have comprehensive knowledge of the process and procedures necessary to help you through your case. This includes:

- Gathering all relevant accounts under one suit to strengthen your case

- Understanding the requirements necessary to substantiate your claim

- Using our resources to determine the full value of your claim

- Filing all necessary paperwork

- Defending your injuries and damages on your behalf


Mass Tort Cases We Handle

At One Contact Solution, our mass tort lawyers handle multiple types of cases, but we specialize in cases involving:

- Monsanto, the manufacturer of the popular weed killer, has come under fire for its alleged link to cancer. Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, has been linked to the development of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, an aggressive cancer of the lymph nodes. If you or a loved one has developed cancer after regular, repeated use of Roundup, contact us immediately to discuss your Roundup lawsuit and for compensation.

-Hernia Mesh. Many manufacturers of synthetic hernia meshes have been the target of civil suits due to defects in these products. Intended to provide support in surgeries to repair hernias, many synthetic varieties of the mesh have either failed, migrated, bundled up, or have otherwise been rejected by the body. This results in adverse side effects such as pain, infection, scar tissue, intestinal blockage, and more – leading to additional surgeries in order to relieve the situation.

-IVC Filters. Patients who are at risk of blood clots in the lungs (a pulmonary embolism) frequently get IVC filters installed in their hearts to catch any potential clots before they reach the lungs. However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has received thousands of adverse reports of specific brands of IVC filters fragmenting, migrating, or otherwise failing inside of the body – causing severe health effects including hemorrhaging and death.

- Human Trafficking. The rise in human trafficking is at an all-time high. The NHTRC documented 40.3 million victims of human trafficking globally including men, women, and children.

- Juul Vaping. Nearly 4 million American youths have admitted to vaping and smoking e-cigarettes. Once JUUL was launched, its main mission was to improve the lives of addicted smokers by selling e-cigarettes as an alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes. There has been an increasing rate of legal claims against JUUL, which has caused some severe health effects such as increased heart rate, blood pressure, lung disease, and more.

-Zantac. Ranitidine medication is commonly known as anti-heartburn medication used to treat peptic ulcers. However, the FDA has recalled Zantac due to concerns that it significantly increases the risks of cancers over time.

How Our Mass Tort Litigation Lawyers Can Help You

At One Contact Solution, we are committed to using our experience in mass tort law to secure a settlement or verdict on your behalf. We only specialize in mass tort cases, so we have comprehensive knowledge of the process and procedures necessary to help you through your case. This includes:

- Gathering all relevant accounts under one suit to strengthen your case

- Understanding the requirements necessary to substantiate your claim

- Using our resources to determine the full value of your claim

- Filing all necessary paperwork

- Defending your injuries and damages on your behalf

Our mass tort litigation attorneys are here to take care of all the legal responsibilities while you can focus on healing and recovery.