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Hernia Mesh

Hernias occur when an internal organ is pushed through a tear or gap in the surrounding muscle or tissue, resulting in a visible bulge in the area. Common areas in which hernias can develop include the abdomen, upper thigh, belly button and groin.

Who is at risk?

Construction workers, assembly line workers, and general laborers who bend and complete heavy lifting tasks and projects are at risk for developing hernias. There are also genetic factors that make increase the risk of developing a hernia for some people.

What is Hernia Mesh?

Hernia Mesh devices are thin plastic or resin sutures coated with a collagen material and implanted by a surgeon to patch or repair the area where a hernia has occurred. Some of the more modern Hernia Mesh devices are thin plastic or resin sutures coated with a collagen material to prevent the fusing of the mesh with an organ, such as the intestines.

Major Manufacturers Producing Hernia Mesh Include:

Atrium Medical

One side lower back pain

Feeling the need to urinate throughout the night & feeling the need to urinate

but not being able to pass urine

Blood or blood clots in the urine

Pain or burning sensation during urination

How are complications from Hernia Mesh treated?

Complications are treated with revision surgery, which can be even more invasive than the first surgery, and can require a longer recovery period. If your hernia reoccurred, if the mesh migrated or contracted, or if the mesh failed and your are experiencing severe pain, you could be a candidate for Hernia Mesh Revision Surgery.


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