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Uloric Claim

A lawsuit is for the negative effects on the body due to the consumption due to the Uloric medication and also failed to warm the same.

About 8 million of the US population suffer from gout. To treat this disease, FDA approved Uloric medication to treat gout in 2009.

However, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in February 2019, limited the use of Uloric as it has determined the risk of heart-related problems.

A trial on over 6000 patients was conducted and Uloric showed the increased risk of heart-related deaths and from other causes.

A study in 2017 has shown the risk of heart issues, death in patients who consumed the Uloric. Due to the increased risk of health problems due to the Uloric,FDA adds Boxed Warning.

What is Uloric?

Uloric is the brand name of febuxostat which is given in prescription to cure gout or cardiovascular.

Gout means arthritis due to the excess uric acid not being flushed out of the body and build up causing swelling, redness, and pain in one or more joints.

Takeda Pharmaceutical Company is one of the makers of Uloric and the FDA approved their Uloric in 2009 to treat gout.


Side effects of Uloric

Here are the side effects of Uloric

Pulmonary embolism

Heart attack

Joint pain

Gout flares


Cardiovascular death

Deep vein thrombosis



Some of the symptoms as given below:

Chest pain

Breath shortness

Irregular heart beat


Serve headache

Skin and other allergy

Some other side effect:

Liver injury symptoms:

Weight loss



Dark urine

Stroke symptoms:


Slurred speech


Vision problem in one or both eyes


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