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B2B Services We Provide

B2B Lead Generation Services.

For better sales, you need to generate leads the better way. With our creative approach, we cut through the noise and reach your audience, giving them exactly what they want! Our lead generation framework meticulously guides them down the funnel. We focus on running impactful marketing campaigns for our clients. Our lead generation strategies are optimized for higher conversions and get you the best business outcomes.



In marketing parameters, marketing qualified leads (MQL) are defined as leads that have high conversion potential. They are typically at the top of the sales funnel.

These leads are generated through our tech website. The MQLs are identified by tracking visitors who actively show interest in the whitepapers on this site. Often, this is done by downloading them through a customized landing page.

An intent based-content syndication program is run to unveil deeper insights about the identified leads. An AI-powered automation tool helps us capture and interpret behavioral data from the leads.



The MQLs are then vetted, qualified, and gauged for inside sales-readiness. Prospects that show clear interest in receiving callbacks from inside sales reps are identified.

At this point, quick response to queries is critical. Constant dialogue is also maintained and communication between marketing and sales teams is crucial.

Sharing of repetitive information should be avoided – because it assumes leads have no prior knowledge of your products and services.

Instead, the sales team should continue the story that has been built via marketing.



Leads that have undergone the BANT qualification process. They have answered all the questions and meet the criteria to be a good fit for your product.

To know how close, they are to a buying decision:

– We take confirmed consent to be contacted.

– Identify the current solution the prospect is using.

– Identify the number of locations they have been operating from.

– Identify any challenges or pain points.

– Identify the time frame to change the current solution.


Account Based Marketing

Detailed & result-oriented account based marketing with custom key contact data on high value prospects, targeted in a personalized way


B2B Market Research

Boost your response rate with clean, accurate business data to find new business opportunities in a new targeted market.


B2B Lead Generation

Our custom strategies are modified to earn the attention of prospects and convert prospects into leads to increase B2B lead generation rates.


Appointment Generation

Reach the right decision makers/influencers to fix appointments and give a boost to your business relationships and convert them into sales.


Data Analysis and Research

Gain easy access to custom, highly effective business-critical data as we abstract data from various external sources with assured results.


Email Marketing

Custom, effective email marketing mythologies combine to elevate your marketing campaigns and achieve more with modern workflows.

Drop us a line! We are here to answer your questions 24/7